Brand Development

Brand Development

Your Brand Is Your Value Statement

A company brand is more tangible than you may think. It’s the value statement that positions your company in the marketplace among your competitors. It’s your company persona and story, told through color, imagery style, logo, tagline and writing style - all working in unison to deliver a positive perception.

Many of our new clients have not fully developed their brand yet, and it becomes a clear need when they invest in a larger project with us, such as a website, tv commercial or print campaign. In that case we recommend Brand Development as an add-on service. 

Your brand should ALWAYS be your starting point, and EVERYTHING ELSE should follow and respect the brand guidelines. We take a simple approach. There is no need to overthink it, but you should never undervalue it. We always work with you to ensure you hit the mark with the following basic steps.

4 Steps to Jump Start the Process:

  1. We listen to you and your team, and assess your goals
  2. We research your target market and evaluate your competition
  3. We recommend a plan, design a logo, develop a tagline
  4. Once approved, we execute the plan across all of your media channels

We prepare a simple guideline and deliver it with your logos and supporting graphics files, formatted and ready for use within your company.

Contact Us & Request A Quote!



Jump Creative is a full-service digital design group, equipped for today's fluid marketing environment. An experienced, award-winning team of designers and brand specialists, with a broad set of creative skills. Our goal is to create targeted design and marketing that builds brand recognition and increased engagement.

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Harrisburg Studio

Chad Arentz
(717) 525-2667

Scranton Studio

Matt Beekman
(570) 906-9294

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